ang bhang example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest अंग भंग ang bhang news and headlines :
1. अंग भंग करि पठइअ बंदर bhaskar.comUsage and Example of ang bhang 1. कितनों ही के अंग भंग हो गये थे, कोई लूला हो गया था, कोई लंगड़ा,कोई अंधा। 1. At outbid force and special effects more and more elaborate, bloody films (gore pictures) reached a staggering realism in the rendering of effects to scenes (beheadings, explosions and mutilation of the human body) 2. This barbaric mutilation was justified in the following myth: the lover of the Great Mother, the god of fertility, Attis, had emasculated under a pine tree where he had died by losing all his blood 3. This is the case of genital mutilation that often accompany such rites: circumcision is not the counterpart of excision and infibulation 4. When she discovers the difference between the sexes, she first sees his mutilation as an individual misfortune

Given are the examples of hindi word ang bhang usage in english sentences. The examples of ang bhang are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., mutilation.